Compression Stockings 101: Everything You Should Know About Wearing Compression Stocking

Compression stockings are an effective remedy for many conditions–including varicose veins. They can be a solution if you’re standing or sitting for long periods on the job, while traveling, or as part of your lifestyle. When you have circulation issues, you’ll find that standing or sitting for too long worsens the problem. After a long day, you may feel heavy legs with tingling, discomfort, and even pain.

What Are Compression Stockings?

Compression stockings gently squeeze your legs to support “normal blood flow” in your legs and the function of your blood vessels. At Vanishing Vein Northwest, we prescribe compression stockings for medical conditions including varicose veins. While these stockings aren’t a cure or permanent fix for issues like varicose veins, they can help reduce and eliminate the pain and discomfort in your legs.

Why Are Compression Stockings Important?

Besides helping support your blood flow, compression stockings can help prevent the chance of a blood clot forming in your legs (where the blood pools in your legs and forms clots), deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and other circulation problems. Compression stockings are not the right solution for everyone, and we might also recommend additional treatments and lifestyle changes. Compression stockings are an effective solution for many people.

Who Should Use Compression Stockings?

The easy answer is that anyone can use compression stockings, even without a doctor’s prescription or recommendation. If you’re experiencing discomfort after standing or sitting all day, you can use compression stockings. You might need compression stockings if you’re recovering from surgery, are pregnant, are an athlete, are bedridden, or if you have circulation problems.

Next Step: Consult with Vanishing Vein Northwest

At Vanishing Vein Northwest, we’re here to help you minimize and prevent varicose veins. Depending on your situation and medical history, we might recommend that you use compression stockings in addition to exercising, eating healthier, and drinking more water to help mitigate the effects of varicose veins. It’s all part of our service and support to you as you learn more about varicose veins. Reach out to our team at Vanishing Vein Northwest to get the resources and support you need.